So Why Online?

Online distribution of your dance recital has never been easier and has several advantages over DVD!

The first thing you’ll notice is the turn-around time. In the post-production work flow of day’s past, the recital video was edited (that took hours), encoded & exported (that took MORE hours)… and then the next process began of authoring the DVD where every button linked to another button, page and chapter point. All of that was quite tedious and ate up a lot of time!

Sadly it didn’t stop there. In many cases, the DVD orders were in the hundreds, so the master DVD had to be sent to a 3rd party for duplication.

Say goodbye to DVD!

As you can imagine, that also took up precious time and we were at the mercy of the duplication house’s schedule! Once finished, the DVDs were finally shipped back (which could also take several days). After all that, we would then ship them to the respective dance studios much later than we would have liked. 🙁

The good news is those days are OVER! Providing the recital video online is the difference in watching your favorite movie on Netflix tonight or waiting 2-3 days for the DVD! Online delivery literally bypasses all those time consuming, extra cost-incurring steps! Once we are done editing, we ‘build’ an online video experience that plays exactly like a DVD, but without that timely wait! In some cases, we have been able to provide the recital video in as little as a couple of days!

Another bonus is that the online video can be streamed anywhere there is an internet of Wi-Fi connection! Plus, it can be viewed on multiple devices at the same time! If someone wants to watch it on their phone while another watches it streaming on the TV… No problem! It’s ready for viewing whenever you are.

Finally, online delivery allows us to not lose the quality that High-Definition video brings. All HD video is lost once made to fit on a DVD. Where High Definition delivers 1,080 vertical lines of video, DVD only allows for 480. The numbers may sound a bit confusing, but the difference in resolution is literally night and day. Delivering everything online allows the audience to enjoy the video exactly as intended: In High Definition.